About Sarah Heagle (1846–1912)

Sarah Heagle, Grand Rapids Herald, September 17, 1905.
On April 1, 1912, Sarah J. Heagle ran unsuccessfully for a spot on the Grand Rapids Board of Education. Identified as a socialist by local newspapers, she received 2,003 votes, which put her in tenth place out of twelve candidates. But even though she did not win her seat on the school board, she did leave her mark on Grand Rapids civic and community life through her work in various local women’s clubs.
Sarah J. Heagle was born in 1847 in Erie, Pennsylvania. Her first husband died in 1887. And in 1896, she and her second husband, Erastus Heagle, settled in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There she took on an active role in many women’s clubs. In 1898, she was chosen education chairman of the North End Woman’s Club. In 1907, she was elected the club’s recording secretary, and from 1909 to 1910 she served as club president. From 1905 until at least 1906 she served as president of the Burton Heights Literary Club, and she also maintained a membership with the Grand Rapids Ladies’ Literary Club. Heagle was also interested in temperance work and was a member of the Benjamin Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, where she regularly contributed to discussions and was elected delegate to the district WCTU convention in Allegan, Michigan.
In 1910, Heagle and around twenty other women from other Grand Rapids women’s clubs formed the Grand Rapids Equal Opportunity Club with the object of “mutual improvement of its members,” and the “promotion of literary, scientific, industrial and philanthropic pursuits.” The club, which was affiliated with the Grand Rapids Socialist Party, hoped to reach women “not affiliated with local club life.”Heagle served as president until her sudden death on May 14, 1912, just one month after her school board run. Her passing was widely memorialized with dedications and photographs in local newspapers and a public memorial service planned by her fellow Equal Opportunity Club members.
About Sarah Heagle (1846–1912)

Sarah Heagle, Grand Rapids Herald, September 17, 1905.
On April 1, 1912, Sarah J. Heagle ran unsuccessfully for a spot on the Grand Rapids Board of Education. Identified as a socialist by local newspapers, she received 2,003 votes, which put her in tenth place out of twelve candidates. But even though she did not win her seat on the school board, she did leave her mark on Grand Rapids civic and community life through her work in various local women’s clubs.
Sarah J. Heagle was born in 1847 in Erie, Pennsylvania. Her first husband died in 1887. And in 1896, she and her second husband, Erastus Heagle, settled in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There she took on an active role in many women’s clubs. In 1898, she was chosen education chairman of the North End Woman’s Club. In 1907, she was elected the club’s recording secretary, and from 1909 to 1910 she served as club president. From 1905 until at least 1906 she served as president of the Burton Heights Literary Club, and she also maintained a membership with the Grand Rapids Ladies’ Literary Club. Heagle was also interested in temperance work and was a member of the Benjamin Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, where she regularly contributed to discussions and was elected delegate to the district WCTU convention in Allegan, Michigan.
In 1910, Heagle and around twenty other women from other Grand Rapids women’s clubs formed the Grand Rapids Equal Opportunity Club with the object of “mutual improvement of its members,” and the “promotion of literary, scientific, industrial and philanthropic pursuits.” The club, which was affiliated with the Grand Rapids Socialist Party, hoped to reach women “not affiliated with local club life.”Heagle served as president until her sudden death on May 14, 1912, just one month after her school board run. Her passing was widely memorialized with dedications and photographs in local newspapers and a public memorial service planned by her fellow Equal Opportunity Club members.
Campaign Information
Political Office: Board of Education
Election Year: 1912
Party Affiliation: Nonpartisan race
Elected: No
Biographical Information
Full Name: Sarah Jane Dunn Heagle
Life Dates: December 23, 1846–May 14, 1912
Birthplace: Erie, Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: No formal occupation
Party Affiliation: Socialist
Social Reform Activism: Women’s Clubs, Temperance, Labor
“Benjamin W.C.T.U. Elect Delegates.” Grand Rapids Herald, April 22, 1911.
“Clubs and the Clubwomen.” Grand Rapids Press, March 24, 1906.
“Clubs to Honor Mrs. Heagle Today.” Grand Rapids Herald, May 18, 1912.
“North End Woman’s Club.” Grand Rapids Herald, April 21, 1907.
“North End Woman’s Club.” Grand Rapids Herald, April 25, 1909.
“Presides Over Equal Opportunity Club.” Grand Rapids Herald, June 4, 1911.
“Slates Made Vigorous Contests for the Board of Education.” Grand Rapids Herald, April 2, 1912.
“Sudden Death of Mrs. Sarah Heagle.” Grand Rapids Herald, May 15, 1912.
“Talked In The Town.” Grand Rapids Press, December 4, 1905.
“To Organize New Club.” Grand Rapids Herald, February 14, 1911.