Join us at the 2021 Hollyhock Lane Parade!
Join us at the Hollyhock Lane Parade on the morning of Saturday, July 3rd at the corner of Clavin and Alexander in Ottawa Hills! Line up will start at 8:00am and the parade will commence at 8:30am sharp. Here are a couple of helpful tips to make your trip out to the parade a little easier!:
If you get lost… You can call (616)574-7307 and the GPS address of where the GGRWHC will be located will be at 1335 Alexander.
Our dress code is… Just wear as much white as you can! The GGRWHC will be providing the “Votes for Women” signs as well as pennants and sashes. But it doesn’t stop there – we will also have lots of great heats for women and men to jazz up your parade outfit!
You should arrive early if possible… We will be marching at 8:30am sharp! This is a short parade, but it is packed full of fun and history.
Why we march… Our annual Hollyhock march reminds both us and audience of our mission to share what we know and to skewer myths about local women’s history in general
For more information see our latest newsletter here!