Hollyhock Lane Parade

Ottawa Hills neighborhood, Grand Rapids, MI

Back by popular demand, the GGRWHC will take to the streets to honor parading suffragists from a hundred years ago. Watch for details & join the fun with bands, bicyclists, […]

Observance of Women’s Equality Day

Check for us at food-truck Thursday on the patio of the Grand Rapids Art Museum! Once again, we will buttonhole passers-by about the 98th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment and […]

Diana Barrett – WWI Women’s Cards

Grand Rapids Public Library 111 Library NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

During the week of April 27th through May 4th 1918, twenty thousand Grand Rapids women, half the city’s female population, registered for the war effort. One thousand registrars were trained […]

Educator Event: From Suffragists to Senators

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum

Attention, educators! In celebration of the centennial birthday of Mrs. Betty Ford, the Gerald R. Ford Foundation is presenting a free, day-long professional development workshop for educators focused on women's […]